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Contract and document management

Let users manage, track and automate their revenue cycle documents in Pipedrive.

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Girl with a pencil image

Integrate with Pipedrive to offer users a centralized document hub

With one in two users creating documents like contracts, quotes, proposals and non-disclosure agreements, contract management is an integral part of Pipedrive users’ revenue cycles.

To close deals faster, users expect seamless management and automation of document processes, like the creation and exchange of documents within Pipedrive. This helps them save time, reduces manual work and keeps all their documentation in one place.

Girl with a pencil image

Gain access to 100,000+ Pipedrive customers

Thousands of companies regularly use Pipedrive to hit their sales targets. With hundreds of new users signing up daily, there’s a growing demand for an easy-to-use contract management integration.

Introduce your contract management solution to an ever-growing user pool by integrating your app into their sales processes

Girl with a pencil image

Pipedrive contract management highlights

50,000+ Pipedrive users create quotes, proposals and/or contracts across their revenue cycles

More than 80% of all users have documents that need to be signed by their customers

Users greatly value contract management features such as branded documents,company-wide sharing for documents and templates, the option to auto-fill documents with Pipedrive data and permissions and visibility customization

Girl with a pencil image

Our customers are looking for

Smooth document workflows with digital signatures

Let users create, manage and track documents with digital signature features

Offer different ways to add digital signatures – as a drawing, via mobile, through scanning, by typing a name, etc

Enable auto-reminders for signatures, tracking views and notifications

End-to-end document and template management

Empower users with professional, company-branded documents from the start

Let users auto-fill documents and templates with Pipedrive information

Allow users to define and automate document workflows for each stage of their sales pipeline

A transparent user permission system for documents and templates

Allow users to control their team’s permissions and visibility for documents and templates

Enable company-wide sharing for documents and templates

Let users manage comments and edits in their documents

Create a sandbox account to start integrating

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Girl with a laptop

App flow for contract management solutions

Girl with a laptop