How to get deals from Pipedrive's API

1. Introduction

Need to retrieve a list of deals from the Pipedrive API? This tutorial is for you. We'll walk you through the necessary steps to retrieve all deals associated with your Pipedrive account using PHP and cURL. There's also a Node.js snippet with the same logic.

Here's an overview of the steps involved:

  1. Obtain your Pipedrive API token and company domain
  2. Create a PHP script named getAllDeals.php to retrieve all deals in your Pipedrive account using cURL
  3. Inside the getAllDeals.php file, set the API token and company domain variables. You'll then use cURL to send a GET request to the Pipedrive API to retrieve all deals associated with your account
  4. Once you've received a response from the API, you'll convert the JSON data to a PHP array for easier manipulation
  5. Finally, you'll iterate through the array to display each deal's title and id

By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a working PHP script that retrieves a list of all deals in your Pipedrive account using our API.

2. Prerequisites: configure account details, credentials and the endpoint

Follow our tutorials on how to find the API token and how to get the company domain.

Once you've done that, create a file getAllDeals.php and give value to the $company_domain and $api_token variables:

// Content of getAllDeals.php
// Pipedrive API token
$api_token = 'YOUR_API_TOKEN';
// Pipedrive company domain
$company_domain = 'YOUR_COMPANY_DOMAIN';

To make a request, you'll need the correct URL for getting the deals listed, for example, https://{YOUR_COMPANY_DOMAIN}

You need to create a $url variable that holds the correct URL for listing the deals:

// URL for Deal listing
$url = 'https://'.$company_domain.'' . $api_token;

3. Making the API call with the parameters set

Let's make a GET request with the necessary parameters against the API. Simply copy and paste this:

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
echo 'Sending request...' . PHP_EOL;
$output = curl_exec($ch);

The $output variable holds the full response you get back from the server. As all responses from Pipedrive's API are in JSON format, the first thing you'll want to do is to convert it into a proper PHP array:

// Create an array from the data that is sent back from the API
// As the original content from the server is in JSON format, you need to convert it to a PHP array
$result = json_decode($output, true);

Check if data returned in the result is not empty:

if (empty($result['data'])) {
    exit('No deals created yet' . PHP_EOL);

You can then loop over and echo the titles of the deals:

// Iterate over all found Deals
foreach ($result['data'] as $key => $deal) {
    $deal_title = $deal['title'];
       // Print out a deal title with its ID
       echo '#' . ($key + 1) . ' ' .  $deal['title'] . ' ' . '(Deal ID:'. $deal['id'] . ')' . PHP_EOL;  

4. Full working example (PHP)

Here is a full working example you can use for your getAllDeals.php:

// Content of getAllDeals.php
// Pipedrive API token
$api_token = 'Your API token goes here';
// Pipedrive company domain
$company_domain = 'Your company domain goes here';
//URL for Deal listing with your $company_domain and $api_token variables
$url = 'https://'.$company_domain.'' . $api_token;
//GET request
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
echo 'Sending request...' . PHP_EOL;
$output = curl_exec($ch);
// Create an array from the data that is sent back from the API
// As the original content from server is in JSON format, you need to convert it to a PHP array
$result = json_decode($output, true);
// Check if data returned in the result is not empty
if (empty($result['data'])) {
    exit('No Deals created yet' . PHP_EOL);
// Iterate over all found Deals
foreach ($result['data'] as $key => $deal) {
    $deal_title = $deal['title'];
       // Print out a deal title with its ID
       echo '#' . ($key + 1) . ' ' .  $deal['title'] . ' ' . '(Deal ID:'. $deal['id'] . ')' . PHP_EOL;  

5. Full working example (Node.js)

If you are using Node.js, you can use the following script:

//All tutorial Node.Js code examples are for reference only and shouldn't be used in production code as is. In production, a new new pipedrive.ApiClient() instance should be initialised separately for each request.
const pipedrive = require('pipedrive');
const defaultClient = new pipedrive.ApiClient();

// Configure authorization by settings api key
// PIPEDRIVE_API_KEY is an environment variable that holds real api key
defaultClient.authentications.api_key.apiKey = process.env.PIPEDRIVE_API_KEY;

async function getDeals() {
    try {
        console.log('Sending request...');

        const api = new pipedrive.DealsApi(defaultClient);

        const response = await api.getDeals();

        console.log('Got deals successfully!', response);
    } catch (err) {
        const errorToLog = err.context?.body || err;

        console.log('Getting deals failed', errorToLog);


6. Successfully getting all deals

Use the php getAllDeals.php command to execute the code in the command line.

Here's an example output with 21 deals:

$ php getAllDeals.php
Sending request...
#1 Batman deal (Deal ID: 1)
#2 Big apple sale (Deal ID: 2)
#3 Robin sale (Deal ID: 3)
#4 Silly goose (Deal ID: 4)
#5 Mademoiselle sale (Deal ID: 5)
#6 Cats and dogs (Deal ID: 6)
#7 Panna on vaja (Deal ID: 7)
#8 Lucky (Deal ID: 8)
#9 Call him now (Deal ID: 9)
#10 Sending (Deal ID: 10)
#11 Wolt (Deal ID: 11)
#12 PD (Deal ID: 12)
#13 The Explorer (Deal ID: 13)
#14 The Carryall (Deal ID: 14)
#15 The Pineapple (Deal ID: 15)
#16 The Base (Deal ID: 16)
#17 Kisser (Deal ID: 17)
#18 Hugger (Deal ID: 18)
#19 The Scholar (Deal ID: 19)
#20 The Artist (Deal ID: 20)
#21 The Ace (Deal ID: 21)

If you don't have any deals, this is the output you'll get:

$ php getAllDeals.php
Sending request...
No Deals created yet