

Effective from:

February 13, 2023

Breaking changes in 4 products-related endpoints

Announced: December 19, 2022

Effective from:
February 13, 2023

What is changing?

From February 13, 2023, we will be introducing breaking changes to 4 products-related endpoints.

1. For the GET /products/{id}/files endpoint:

  • The following fields will no longer be included in the response:
    • deal_id
    • person_id
    • org_id
    • activity_id
    • lead_id
    • mail_message_id
    • mail_template_id
    • deal_name
    • person_name
    • people_name
    • org_name
    • lead_name
    • cid
    • log_id

  • The sort query parameter will no longer support the following field keys:
    • user_id
    • deal_id
    • person_id
    • org_id
    • product_id
    • add_time
    • file_name
    • file_type
    • file_size
    • comment
  • You can use the id and update_time field keys inside the sort query parameter to filter the response.

2. The product_attachment_id response field will be removed from the responses of the POST /deals/{id}/products and DELETE /deals/{id}/products/{product_attachment_id} endpoints.

3. The item_price and quantity body parameters are no longer required fields for the PUT /deals/{id}/products/{product_attachment_id} endpoint.

Why is it changing?

The goal of the changes is to ensure that the Deals and Products API endpoints mentioned above return only the most relevant fields according to each endpoint and to support the performance of our API.

If you have any questions or comments, let us know in the Developer’s Community.

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