

Effective from:

September 30, 2021

Breaking bug fix in POST /deals endpoint

Announced: June 30, 2021

Effective from:
September 30, 2021

Breaking bug fix in POST /deals endpoint

What is going to change?

When creating a Deal via the Pipedrive API, it will start requiring the new Deal to be linked to a Person or an Organization. Therefore, when adding a Deal via the the POST /deals endpoint, one has to insert a value for either one of these body parameters:

  • person_id - ID of the Person this Deal will be associated with
  • org_id - ID of the Organization this Deal will be associated with

We will be adding the red ‘required’ label to both of these body parameters in our API Reference documentation when the given grace time is over.

Why is it going to change?

In the Pipedrive web app, it has always been mandatory to have the newly created Deal linked with a Person or an Organization. This change is needed to keep the data in Pipedrive consistent. We wish to avoid unexpected results forPipedrive users when they use the Product and other features with the Deal being not linked to a Person or an Organization.

Who is affected?

Anyone with functionality built on top of the previous behavior will need to alter their code.

Published on June 30, 2021

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